Seiryo and the Makibi-ke
To set the scene, this was to take place in a story in which at one point Seiryo has a nasty and reckless run in with pirates while carrying out Sasami's errands. (Will the boy ever learn?). This is his first visit to Tanima to meet Kiyone's family - specifically the youngest, Mashisu. :) Much to Kiyone's chagrin...

"So why are you really here, Neechan?"

Mashisu dropped down on her sister's bed, casting her companion an inquisitive look. "Did you finally get sick of chasing bums around the universe and decide to come home? I don't get it."

"Believe me, I didn't choose to come home." Kiyone sighed, leaning up against the wall as she eyed her sister in resignation. "Mashi, why so interested? You've never bothered about my life before - why now?"

"I've been thinking." Mashisu admitted. "About the Galaxy Police, and everything. And the fact that you spend so much time with that family - Mihoshi-san's family because of it."

"So much time?" Kiyone raised an eyebrow. "Hardly."

"So you weren't just on Seniwa for over two months?" Mashisu demanded. "My mistake."

"Who told you that?" Kiyone stared, disconcerted, and Mashisu dimpled.

"Ahh. A little bird." She said mischievously. "Plus you flew in from that direction, and I was confused by it. So I snuck aboard your ship. Yagami's been on Seniwa for the last two can't deny it."

"Okay, I won't." Kiyone rubbed her temples. "Yes, I was on Seniwa. Mihoshi is my partner. Is that so odd?"

"I almost wondered if she was your lover, too." Mashisu eyed her sister speculatively, and hot colour flooded Kiyone's cheeks.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She demanded.

"Well, you've never shown much interest in guys, and it's freakish." Mashisu said reasonably. "But you trail around after that girl like she's something special. We both know Mihoshi-san has no brains to speak of. Why else, unless you're using her to ingratiate yourself with the Kuramitsu, of course. In which case, all your lectures to me about Misao are totally hypocritical."

"How dare you!" Anger sparked in Kiyone's eyes and before she knew what she was doing, she had brought her hand across her sister's cheek hard, indignation flickering in her blue eyes. "Stop applying your twisted logic and warped sense of society to my life, Mashisu! Mihoshi is my friend. My partner. We work together and that's why I spend so much time with her. We're close, yes. But not lovers. Don't be so blatantly stupid. And as for the Kuramitsu - I'm not the status-hunting snob you are! Just because you want someone to validate your quest for Misao's money and title does not mean that I'm like you!"

"Geez, calm down!" Mashisu put her fingers gingerly to her cheek, sending her companion a cross look. "I only asked, you know. You didn't have to hit me. Did I strike a nerve or something, Neechan? You don't usually go around punching people when you're home."

Kiyone opened her mouth to retort, then she hesitated, shaking her head as reason overtook rage in her mind. She sighed.

"I'm sorry." She said slowly. "I shouldn't have hit you. But Mashi, you have no idea what you're talking about. As it happens..."

She faltered, then shrugged.

"A very close acquaintance of mine was badly hurt, and Seniwa was the nearest place they could take him for medical treatment." She said carefully. "That's why I spent so much time with Mihoshi's family. He's an old friend of Mihoshi's father, and so it just seemed natural. I was worried about him - he almost died - and I wanted to be nearby in case he needed me. That's all."

"That's all, huh?" Mashisu's clever eyes narrowed as she digested her sister's words. "Two months, just in case he needed you? Spit it out, sis. You're a career hound. You always have been. Would you really risk your position to spend two months playing nursemaid?"

"Lord Kuramitsu has contacts at Headquarters." Kiyone said mildly. "He cleared it for me to stay...he actually asked for my company specifically. Do you think it would have been polite to refuse him?"

"No." Mashisu pursed her lips, sprawling out on her stomach as she eyed her companion carefully. "But I still sense there's something you're not telling me. Why are you here, sis? Why come home? I don't mind that you are, but you don't come back here very often."

"I guess you could call it damage limitation." Kiyone bit her lip. "That's all. Nothing else."

"I don't understand."

"No, I know." Kiyone sighed heavily. "Believe me, I didn't choose to come back just now. But he insisted, and I figured if I didn't, he still would. He's determined to speak to Father..."

"Are you talking to me or to yourself, now? Because I've completely lost the logic of what you're saying, Neechan." Mashisu objected. "Can you rewind? Who's 'he'? Don't tell me you found yourself a boyfriend while you were living it up on Seniwa? I won't believe you. Not you. I'm a thousand times prettier than you are, and I've always been the one with the admirers. You can't seriously expect me to believe someone would fall for you? I mean, no offence or anything, sis, but you've always been all about your work and I guessed that was because you knew you weren't exactly the family beauty."

"Oddly enough, not everything operates on the superficial scale your brain does, Mashisu." Kiyone said acerbically. "Thankfully, else this world would be in a worse shape than it already is."

She slipped off the bed, moving to the window.

"I wish Kei was here. At least he might understand."

"Kei's been dead for years, Kiyo. You know that."

"Yes, I know." Kiyone agreed sadly, turning back towards her younger sister as she did so. "But I still miss him."

Mashisu eyed her companion for a moment, then she got to her feet, grasping her sister's hands loosely in hers.

"Listen." She said, all trace of her usual banter gone from her tone. "You can tell me stuff too, you know. We are sisters. And I hardly ever see you. Since Niji married, it's been boring here. You could at least bring me some news."

"You and I have never had that bond, Mashi. You know it as well as I." Kiyone sighed. "You only want me here because you think that it'll make you look more attractive to the guys."

"Perhaps." Mashisu owned. "But seriously, Neechan. We never do see you. You think I'm bad, chasing after Misao like I do. But you're as bad, avoiding the fact we even exist while you go spend time with rich Daimyo folk on Seniwa. Maybe I'm not the only one who wants a better life than this - what do you think?"

Kiyone looked stricken for a moment, then she shook her head.

"If only you knew." She murmured. "No, Mashi. I don't want to be a Lord or a Lady. I don't want the pressure of title and status. I really don't."


"But." Kiyone bit her lip. "Nothing."

"You were going to tell me something then." Mashisu said quietly. "Why not spill it, Neechan? We're not kids now. I'm twenty one this year. I'm not a little girl."

"No, but wouldn't even begin to understand how I feel." Kiyone said matter-of-factly.

Mashisu frowned, but before she could speak, there was a tremendous sound from outside the window and she ran to it, gazing up at the sky as the silverish hull of a craft loomed through the clouds of the planet's heavy skyline. She let out an exclamation, grabbing Kiyone by the arm and dragging her back to her side.

"Kiyo, look! Look!"

Kiyone followed her sister's gaze, cursing under her breath as she registered the ship's movement.

"Damn him." She muttered. "I thought he was hardly fully fit yet. I though I'd at least have some time to broach this with Mother and Father before..."

She faltered, realising she was talking aloud and that her sister was staring at her in wide-eyed bemusement.

"Kiyo?" She murmured. "Do you know the person who owns that ship?"

"Yes." Kiyone admitted unwillingly. Mashisu's eyes widened further.

"But it's huge!" She managed, then, "Oh God! Kiyo! You know what crest that is?"

"Yes, Mashi, I know what crest that is." Kiyone rubbed her temples. "Will you stop screeching? You're giving me a headache."

"It's a Juraian crest!" Mashisu paid her no attention. "A noble crest, Kiyone! A nobleman of Jurai!"

"I know." Kiyone repeated. "Mashi, I have to go. I can't...if someone else gets to him first..."

She faltered, pulling herself free of her sister's grasp and hurrying from the room, but Mashisu was not to be so easily put off and as she reached the top of the stairs, she felt a hand on her arm.

"Who is he, sis?" Mashisu's voice was full of excitement. "And how do you know someone with a ship like that?"

"His name is Seiryo Tennan, and he's a member of Jurai's council." Kiyone said levelly. "He also used to work as an Agent of the Galaxy Police, which is how I came to know who he is. If that's all, will you let me go? I have to..."

"No way." Mashisu shook her head. "If you're going down there, I'm coming with. A Lord of Jurai? I have to see this for myself."

"Whatever." Kiyone sighed, resignation in her expression as she realised her companion wasn't to be dissuaded. "But quickly, before Mother or Father get there."

Mashisu nodded, obediently speeding up her pace and before long, the two girls were outside the house, standing in one of the wide paddocks as the silver craft drew to a halt, a bright transmitter beam glowing down from the base as the figure of a man became clear on the ground before them.

As the light faded, Kiyone eyed the visitor, and despite herself, she bit her lip.

"You're an idiot." She said flatly. "You're white as a sheet,  and you're not even half your full strength. Why are you here? Why right now? I don't should be at home and you should be resting."

"I'm well enough to travel." Seiryo said in even tones. "My doctor on Jurai told me that he wasn't going to talk me out of going, so I might as well do it as quickly as possible and return so he could patch me up again. So here I am, Kiyo. Just as I said I would be."

"Kiyo, you can't call a Lord of Jurai an idiot." Mashisu objected at that point. "Even if he was a Police officer. You just can't."

"Shut up, Mashi. I can do what I like - keep out of what you don't understand." Kiyone snapped, and Seiryo's glance rested on the younger girl. He smiled, bowing his head in her direction.

"You must be Kiyone's sister. Mashisu, I believe?"

"You know about me?" Mashisu looked startled, then she returned his bow, a flush of surprise in her cheeks. "I mean, yes sir. I'm Mashisu Makibi. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise." Seiryo's smile widened. "My name is Seiryo Tennan - and I've long wanted to meet Kiyone's family."

"Great." Kiyone groaned, shaking her head. "Please. I'm not ready...we're not ready for this. I haven't had a chance to speak to Mother or Father, and..."

"And that's my job, anyway." Seiryo held up his hand, his eyes glittering with amusement. "As you well know, I believe in such traditions. I wouldn't have come here if I thought it was enough to just tell your family. It's my duty to come and speak to them in person, and I won't shy from it. I'm looking forward to meeting them."

"But..." Kiyone faltered, and Mashisu stared at her sister, her eyes big.

"Kiyo-neechan?" She murmured. "What...what does he mean? Why would he want to speak to Father and Mother? What about?"

"Ah. I see you haven't shared your news with anyone, have you?" Seiryo observed wryly. "I shouldn't be surprised."

"Well, I've only been here a day or two." Kiyone defended herself. "I did go to Kei's grave and talk to him about it. I know that's not the same, but...I had to speak to him first, and then..."

"You are such a freak, Neechan." Mashisu snorted. "Kei is dead, and you'll still go to him before any of us?"

"Yes." Kiyone nodded her head. "Of course. Just because he's dead doesn't make him any less my brother."

"That's crazy, you do know that."

"I don't know, Mashisu-sama." Seiryo pursed his lips. "Sometimes those who pass on stay with you, after all. I lost my mother not so long ago, and I'd like to believe she still heard my thoughts, from time to time. If someone is dear to you, I don't think you so easily forget."

Mashisu started, staring at the nobleman in surprise, and Seiryo grinned, spreading his hands.

"Not that it is any of my business, but I am sorry that your family suffered such a loss." He added. "I understand your brother was a very lively soul, and I am grieved that I won't ever meet him."

"You will." Kiyone's eyes softened. "At least, in the same way I came with you to see Lady Kaede, after...afterwards. I think I'd like him to meet you, in whatever way he can."

"Okay, this conversation just stepped into the world of the weird." Mashisu held up her hands. "Something's going on here and I don't understand it. A big great ship with Juraian crests all across it suddenly appears, a guy hops out who knows my sister and...and now you're talking about doing a tour of family graves? What the hell?"

"Mashi, your language." Kiyone raised an eyebrow. "You called me on mine, when I called Seiryo an idiot. Now you're cursing!"

"And since when do you call a Lord of Jurai by his first name?" Mashisu wheeled on her. "Neechan, what's going on - tell me the truth!"

"I told her to." Seiryo said simply, crossing the ground towards them. He hesitated, then held out his hand to the detective, who gazed at him for a moment before taking his fingers in her grip. As she did so, she let out an exclamation.

"Seiryo, you're hot!" She cried. "You're not fit to be're not well still! You're still running a fever...what in hell are you thinking?"

"That I don't like you being so far away." Seiryo said calmly. "I'm all right. Just tired. It's not so serious as that. I get flushes occasionally - part of the healing process, my doctor says. And Tokimi sent me with plenty of herbal concoctions to drink on my flight here. I'm doing just fine, so you needn't worry. The flight was a long one, but now I'm here, I can relax."

Mashisu's eyes almost fell out of her head.

"You mean you...and you..." She faltered, then, "Kiyo, you're having an affair with a Lord of Jurai?"

"It's not an affair." Colour flushed Kiyone's cheeks as she turned to face her sister bravely. "Mashi, Seiryo is my fiance. He asked me to marry him, and I...I said I would. So he's come here to speak to Mother and Father about it. Because...because on Jurai, that's how it's done."

"I don't believe you." Mashisu's face reflected shock. "You're making it up to get at me! I know you are! It makes no sense! You don't even like guys and stuff - you just work, that's all! And he's a Lord...a Lord of Jurai! It's not possible! You can't! You never..."

She faltered, and Seiryo chuckled.

"It's no lie, Miss Makibi." He said softly. "Your sister and I have been through a good amount together, you might say. And she's every bit a Lady to me as I am a Lord. Kiyone is right - that is why I'm here. To ask permission from your parents to make her my consort."

Kiyone's blush deepened as she felt his grip on her fingers tighten, and she sighed.

"Racing across the galaxy to do it before you're even half fit." She muttered. "I thought you'd at least give me time to prepare them."

"Perhaps its better that they don't have that chance." Seiryo reflected. "I don't want them to think of reasons to refuse me."

"Are you nuts?" Mashisu found her voice at that juncture. "Mother will about explode when she finds out my sister's engaged to anyone, let alone someone from Jurai's noble class! You have no idea how long she's been nagging Kiyo to leave the Force and get a husband. She'll about die happy if you just say the word 'fiance' in her presence!"

"I'm not leaving the Galaxy Police." Kiyone said quietly. "It's one of the things Seiryo and I discussed, and he knows how much it and my work with Mihoshi mean to me. I'm being transferred, with any luck, to the Jurai sector, which means I can be based on Jurai but still carry out my duty. There's a lot of corruption in that sector as it is - and the Commander thinks that having me there might be beneficial. Even if I'm going to become Lady Tennan, he knows my objectivity won't be so easily swayed. And so in the end, it's probably a promotion as much as anything else."

"This has to be some really weird dream." Mashisu murmured. "Seriously...of all people..."

"It's not a dream." Kiyone said wryly. "Believe me. And if I had a choice in the matter, I wouldn't be becoming Lady anything...I don't want the things you do. Being part of a titled family scares me, more than you'll ever know. But the thing is, I don't want to not have Seiryo. So..."

She shrugged.

"It's kind of just part of the deal." She concluded, casting her fiance a sidelong glance. "I'll just have to go with it and hope for the best."

Mashisu shook her head slowly.

"If it wasn't standing right before me, I wouldn't ever believe it." She whispered. "But I guess I have no choice. Seriously, Neechan, I've underestimated you. All this time and I thought your going to the Galaxy Police was a waste of youth and energy. Now I'm starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn't sign up myself. I mean, if it gives you that kind of opportunity..."

Seiryo laughed.

"Believe me, it wasn't as simple as all of that." He said ruefully. "Your sister and I didn't have the best of first encounters, that's for sure. And it wasn't until after I left the force that we became even friends. Fortunately Kiyone claims an acquaintance with Princesses of my planet, and thanks to that, I've had the opportunity to know her in a better light."

"Princesses of..." Mashisu trailed off, sending Kiyone an accusatory look. "Neechan, you never tell us anything!"

"You did know I helped Princess Ayeka and Princess Sasami of Jurai clear their names of treason." Kiyone reminded her.

"Yes, but that you were all buddies with them - I didn't know that!"

"And for good reason!" Kiyone retorted. "I know what you'd do if you got yourself to Jurai's court!"

"Well, you won't be able to stop me now, if you are marring a Lord, will you?" Mashisu pointed out. "Since if you get married there, we'll all come. And then..."

"I might not invite you."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Wouldn't I?"

"Please, there's not even a date set yet!" Seiryo held up his hands before the disagreement could continue. "And I haven't had the chance to speak with your honoured parents, either."

"I don't think they'll oppose you, Seiryo-sama." Mashisu said frankly. "You want to marry Kiyone...that's a miracle enough in itself."


"Well, you know it's true." Mashisu folded her arms across her chest, an unrepentant look on her face. "Noone expected you to ever bring home a husband."

"Me least of all, actually." Kiyone acknowledged. "But things...happen."

"They do." Seiryo mused, and Kiyone cast him a glance, concern flickering in her expression as she registered the faint lines of pain across his brow.

"You're tired and we're keeping you out here." She said softly. "I'm sorry, Sei-chan. I didn't think - but you must be uncomfortable."

"I'm all right."

"You're such a liar." Kiyone snorted. "Since you're here, you're not going to make yourself ill again on my account. Come on. Inside. Mashi has a big mouth but she makes better tea than me, and you can rest after your journey."

"Hey! I'm not your servant!" Mashisu objected.

"Do you want to come to Jurai when I marry, or not?" Kiyone raised an eyebrow, and Mashisu poked out her tongue.

"That's not fair!"

"Sure it is. If you want to come, you ought to ingratiate yourself with your future brother in law." Kiyone said succinctly. "Isn't that how you put it?"

Mashisu let out an exclamation of frustration, but she turned on her heel, disappearing into the house, and Seiryo offered a wry smile.

"You're hard on her, Kiyo. She doesn't seem so very bad to me."

"Oh, I guess not." Kiyone sighed. "She's just young and ambitious. That's all. She wants to marry some rich man and live the life of luxury. She always has...she'll see any visit to Jurai as a potential match-making mission. She's been after Mihoshi's brother for long enough, I told you. That's all she cares about. It's annoying."

"And you don't care about any of it, but you'll still take it on so that we can be together?" Seiryo asked softly. Kiyone laughed, looking sheepish.

"I guess it is odd. But yes." She agreed. "I made up my mind. I just...I'm not ashamed of you, don't think that. It's all a bit sudden, coming here. That's all. And you're not well, Seiryo. I know you better than that. You're in pain and you're tired and weak still. You shouldn't have risked your recovery to come here so quickly. I wasn't going to change my mind."

"I know that." Seiryo admitted, as they stepped into the front room of the Makibi home, Kiyone ushering him into a seat as she took one of her own. "But I missed you."

"I wasn't gone that long. A few days, that's all."

"I know." Seiryo grimaced. "And I'm not such an idiot that I can't stand a few days of my own company. But I was a little apprehensive of this. Much as I wanted to meet your family - well, I didn't know how much they knew about me. Or whether they our acquaintance was first formed."

"You mean, do they know that you tried to kill me once?" Kiyone asked bluntly. Seiryo winced at the directness of her words, nodding his head.

"Yes. That."

"No, they don't know." Kiyone shook her head. "I don't talk about it and they don't even know I was ill at all. I resisted the Commander's wanting to send me home, and I went to Jurai instead, so that I wouldn't have to deal with my family on the subject. They have no idea of our history together, Seiryo-kun. I promise."

Seiryo drew a deep breath into his lungs, and Kiyone saw relief flicker through his malachite eyes.

"I'm glad." He owned. "It would have been hard to explain."

"But completely irrelevant to our situation now." Kiyone said sensibly. "You were possessed and I was spying on you. It wasn't a nice time for either of us, but it's so far removed from you and I now that it doesn't even matter. I don't think about it any more, when I'm with you or when I'm not. It's just part of the past. I know you too well now to believe you'd ever hurt me. Yourself, perhaps, with these crazy things you get involved in. But me? Never."

"I'd rather die than hurt you again." Seiryo admitted. "That's the truth."

"And if you continue darting into the firing line for Sasami, you probably will." Kiyone said acidly. "Really, you're not as fit as you want me to think, and I'm not as stupid as all that. I wish you'd stayed on Jurai. Even if you think this is important, it's not as important as your health."

"So I'm impatient." Seiryo's lips flickered into a smile. "But I'm not as bad as you think. I have a high threshold to pain, thanks to Tokimi's experiments with my mind. And now I'm sitting down, I feel less weary. Truly, you have nothing to scold me about. I am fully convalescent. I am no longer at death's door."

"Convalescence doesn't usually mean flying across the universe to visit your fiancee's family, Seiryo."

"You're really worried about me, aren't you?"

"Of course I am, you ninny. Would I be marrying you if it were any other way?"


A voice from the doorway startled the couple and both glanced up, a grimace of pain touching Seiryo's face as he jerked his battered body into an awkward position. A man stood in the doorway, and as Kiyone met his gaze, colour faded from her face.

"Papa." She murmured, then, "I didn't know you were back."

"Just." The man stepped into the room, his gaze flitting between his daughter and her companion. "Kiyo-chan, did I hear you right? Were you talking of...of marriage?"

"Otousama..." Kiyone hesitated, then she sighed. "I didn't know you were there. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out anything that way."

Seiryo pulled himself to his feet, bowing respectfully in the direction of the newcomer, who sent him a bemused smile.

"Father, this is Seiryo Tennan." Kiyone continued uneasily, unable to read her father's thoughts as he surveyed her companion. "He...he's asked me to marry him. And I...I've told him I will. But he wanted...he wanted to come here and ask you and mother for permission. Because...well, he wanted it that way."

"I see." Dai Makibi hesitated for a moment, then returned the man's bow with one of his own. "Have you come a long way, Tennan-san? You seem tired...or is that just the company of my middle daughter that makes you that way?"

"Otousan!" Kiyone was scandalised, her cheeks flushing red at this, and Seiryo managed a wry smile.

"I've travelled from Jurai." He said softly. "Yes, it was a long journey. But I wanted to do things properly, Makibi-sama. On my planet, when a man wishes to take a wife, he always seeks the agreement of her family before sealing the bond. So that's why I've come. I realise you don't know me, or anything about me. But I care about your daughter a good whatever you require of me to prove my worth, I am willing to submit to your will and judgement."

For a moment, Dai seemed taken aback by the eloquence of his companion's speech. Then he laughed, grasping Seiryo firmly by the hand and shaking it warmly.

"That you can provide for my daughter and keep her active mind happy, that's all I ask." He said with a grin, and Seiryo returned it with a surprised one of his own. "Kiyone has always known her own mind. If she approves of you, you can be assured that my wife and I won't object. I suspect that even if we did, Kiyone would do as she pleased, anyway. I'm very proud of my daughter, you have to know that. And I'm very touched that you thought to come all this way to speak to me. It shows that you respect her and her kin as much as your own - and I am pleased to see it."

"Papa." Kiyone hesitated, then she flung her arms around her father, taking him off guard. "I'm sorry. I thought you might freak out - I would have told you when I arrived, only..."

"I knew something was up when you came back, and then spent so long at your brother's memorial." Dai told her gently, holding her at arm's length as he met her gaze with a serious one of his own. "You know that I'm very fond of you, Kiyo. And proud of you. You've done so many things and carved your own path in so many could I not be? If this is the man you've chosen, I've no doubt that I couldn't find any better for you. I trust your judgement. If you love him, then that's what matters."

"" Kiyone admitted, colour creeping up her cheeks again. "Thank you, Papa. It means a lot. Really. More than you know."

"You will stay a few day, I trust?" Dai turned to Seiryo, who offered him a wry smile, nodding his head.

"If it isn't inconvenient." He agreed. "I must confess I'm tired from my trip more than I anticipated. I recently suffered a serious injury in the service of the Princess Sasami, and it's taking longer to fully heal than I hoped. I would be very grateful to spend some time here before I make the journey back home."

"In the service of the Princess, huh?" Dai looked intrigued. "One of the same Princesses you helped, Kiyone?"

"Yes." Kiyone agreed. "Papa, Seiryo is a member of Jurai's council...but he's also Lady Sasami's chief advisor."

"Then I should be calling you Tennan-sama, shouldn't I?" Dai realised. "I hadn't realised. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing you need apologise for." Seiryo said comfortably. "It's true that I am a Lord of Jurai's Council, but I don't stand on ceremony among friends and family. And I have the utmost respect and deference for the family of my fiancee. So you needn't worry about calling me Lord. My name is Seiryo, and I require no further appelation than that. After all, you will soon be family to me also, won't you?"

"In which case, you must call me Dai." Dai said decidedly. Seiryo grinned, a wicked twinkle in his malachite eyes.

"Perhaps I shall come to call you Otousama." He reflected, one eye on his fiancee, who reddened once again at the implication. "But for now, I will do as you ask. I thank you for your kind welcome, also...though I knew that Kiyone's family must be good people, considering what kind of person I know her to be."


At that moment, Mashisu rejoined them, a tray of tea in her hands. "Oh, when did you get back? I've not done enough drinks, and...Papa, you're never going to believe what Kiyo's done!"

"I've just been filled in, Mashi-chan." Dai nodded. "I hope your sister will be very happy. And your mother will be excited, when I tell her. To have two daughters and a son married will please her greatly."

"And I'm doing my best too, you know." Mashisu objected, dumping the tray down on the table. "It's not my fault if Misao's gone off on some mission somewhere and I can't track him down!"

Kiyone rolled her eyes, reaching over to take a mug of the tea and indicating for Seiryo to do the same. He did so, retaking his seat as he sipped the warm green liquid, offering Mashisu a warm smile.

"Kiyone is right, Mashisu-sama. Your tea is excellent." He observed. "You might even give my sister a run for her money."

"You have a sister?" Mashisu's ears pricked up. "Just a sister? No brothers?"

"Mashi!" Kiyone sent her a pointed look, and Mashisu pouted.

"I'm just curious." She defended herself. "After all, he'll be my brother, won't he? I have a right to know."

"I have one sister, Suki, who shares my blood and a second sister, Tokimi, by way of adoption." Seiryo seemed amused at the banter. "No brothers, no, and both my parents have passed away now. Tokimi is my ward, technically - her only surviving family lives far from Jurai, so she makes her home with Suki and I. Suki is probably a little younger than you are, Mashisu-sama. She is almost nineteen."

"I'm twenty one in the autumn." Mashisu responded in surprise. "So no, I suppose there's not that much of an age difference between us."

"There are eleven years between Suki and I." Seiryo nodded. "But even so, we are very close."

"Suki is a sweetheart." Kiyone reflected. "Tokimi too. I should introduce you, Mashi. They might even teach you something."

"I don't need to be taught anything!" Mashisu bristled. Kiyone raised an eyebrow.

"That's under debate." She said frankly.