1987: Adventure Boy Ponies


Pinkish purple shire pony with white mane and tail (coral streak in mane), white baseball bat and blue mitt symbol.

There are always a lot of jokes raised about First Base and his name. In the North American issue, he was called "Slugger", which, quite honestly, sounds like a brand of slug repellant. But here in the UK he was called First Base which, as the US collectors will tell you, means something in American slang that has nothing to do with his sport of baseball!

The naming in the UK is not particularly logical, either, unless the intention of Hasbro was to connect him to rounders. Rounders is probably the closest equivalent we have in the UK to baseball, since it runs along similar rules. But there is no 'mitt', and the connection is a sort of weak one, as it tends to be played predominately in English schools by (reluctant) girls.

First Base is infamous in one way online - he was one half of the only pony couple before the My Little Pony Tales episodes came into being. His love for Buttons drove him to find the strength to break his chains and rescue the little ponies from the spell of Somnambula. All together now...awww.

First Base was not brought back as part of the second set, and was only sold as one of the original six, making him one of the more difficult to find Adventure Boy/Big Brother Ponies.