1988: Magic Message Ponies


Pinkish purple earth pony with coral mane and tail (neon yellow streak in mane), Tree symbol (when heated reveals apples on one side and kite on the other).

Magical Breeze was possibly the most popular of the Magic Message Ponies in the United Kingdom, simply because she was available for so much longer than the rest of her set. After the Magic Message Ponies were withdrawn, Hasbro UK put out a flier with various ponies advertising a horseshoe point offer to send off for various things. The only pony advertised was Magical Breeze, though there were also carry cases and other bits of merchandise available.

The flier did give a story to Magical Breeze, but I do not have her UK card so don't know if it is the same as the one she was sold with originally. Either way, the pony was not any different from the store-sold versions, and seems to have been a way to deal with surplus stock.

In North America, Magical Breeze suffered from Repetitive Name Syndrome, as she shared her name 'Windy' with one of the first Rainbow Ponies. In the UK comic, she made appearances often when the stories had something to do with kites, inheriting the mantle from the unicorn Skyflier before her. As can be seen from the flier and the photo - her hair was intentionally very curly!