1987: Adventure Boy/Big Brother Ponies


Pink shire pony with pale pink mane and tail (green streak in mane), yellow and blue train symbol.

Finally, the hat is found :) This is Tracks with his original accessories.

Logically, Tracks, or "Steamer", as he was known in the North American release, was a steam train driver, with his own locomotive. Travelling across Ponyland was never much of a big deal for any of these guys, and Tracks was no exception to the rule. He was also re-released in the second year set with three new characters - Barnacle, Chief and Wigwam.

Maybe on account of this, there are at least two versions I know of of Tracks (not counting Nirvana variant versions made in Spain). The below pictured ponies are BOTH made in Hong Kong, but, as you can see, they are quite different in body tone.


My sister's Tracks was bought here in the UK, but second hand, so I do not know for sure it's country of origin. The lighter coloured Tracks I have no ideas regarding. My only theory is that one version may have been sold as an Adventure Boy (first set) and the other as a Big Brother (second set), but this is pure conjecture and totally unproven. All I can be sure of is that this is NOT fading (because pale Tracks' hair is actually pinker than my sister's pony has, plus the body tone is even) and is a legitimate variation in colouring.