Zoe MontGomery
Bubbly, bright and lighthearted, those are the words that spring to mind when Zoe is about. The only daughter of the Misfits' former ally Constance "Clash" Montgomery, Zoe is very close to both her mother and her second cousin Vivien (Video), the latter of whom is something of an icon of hers. It is through Vivien that she manages to find her way into the music video business as a film artist, and she is one of the few people who does not excite Pizzazz's quick, impatient temper.
Despite her close bond with her mother, however, Zoe is ignorant to the identity of her father, and sometimes wishes that she knew how to ask Clash for the truth. This becomes even more important to her as she finds out more about herself and is anxious to be accepted for who she is. Zoe is also very close to TV presenter Dean Stacey, since their mothers were good friends and Dean is like her older brother in many ways - it is Zoe who Dean generally confides things in first. She is very much a people person, and, despite her quirky tendencies and occasional absentmindedness she soon forms a good friendship with Jewel, agreeing to work on their music videos with them. She is especially close to Sylva, and the two spend a lot of time hanging out on set gossiping. Bighearted, it is not uncommon for Zoe to offer her services for free.

Anna Martescu
Anna is Sylvina's younger twin sister. Shy and retiring as Sylvina is impetuous, the two girls share a twin bond that is always being put under strain by Sylvina's wild activities. The twin with the musical writing ability, Anna is studying her subject at college with the hope of being a writer like her mother one day. Anna is good friends with designing hopeful Gaynor Fitzpatrick. She is also terrified of flying, and hates the idea of flying alone. It is this reason which prevents her from visiting her sister in Los Angeles as often as she would like. Anna looks to Sylva for lead rather more often than perhaps she should, and this can sometimes result in additional pressure being put on the elder twin.

Gaynor is a student in fashion design at University in Washington DC. Anna Martescu's room-mate in their freshman year, the two are good friends and now live together during term time, along with three other girls in student housing. Gaynor comes to LA with Anna after the Martescu divorce so that she doesn't have to fly alone, and in the process meets Jewel. Excited by the challenge, she sets herself to designing them something spectacular, and her talent is universally acknowledged.
Gaynor is the eldest of two children, though she was adopted at the age of two after the death of her father in a plane crash. Gaynor's mother died of complications when Gaynor was born, for she was never strong in health. Her younger brother Kieran is not biologically her family, but the two share a good bond anyway. Gaynor was born Gaynor Leith, for she was the only child of Aja's elder brother Shen, but was adopted by Ella and Martin Fitzpatrick and took their name as a result. Though attempts were made on her father's death to find either Aja or her younger sister Lian,  with Aja married and living in England and Lian working abroad in China these attempts proved fruitless. Though Gaynor is aware that she has two aunts, she knows nothing about them and has never met either. She considers herself a proper member of the Fitzpatrick family, but is curious to meet her real family one day. Though only part chinese, Gaynor's features immediately give away her oriental heritage, of which she is very proud. 

Latisha first meets Jewel during the Talent Sweep for a new member, and is a popular character with all of them. However, her leanings are more towards R&B music and she drops out of the Talent Sweep to focus on a solo career. Latisha is a sweet-natured girl who is very committed to her music and her family. Her potential is first voiced by Nancy, who puts in a good word for her at Misfit Music, and occasionally Latisha and Jewel will play the same television appearances.

Daisy Buchan is Jerrica's latest signing at Starlight Music. A year older than Nancy, she was in the youngest Jewel's grade at school and spent much of her life there making Nancy's life miserable, for reasons known only to her. Captain of the Cheering squad, and senior prom queen, Daisy is the epitome of the nasty popular kid. Surrounded by people and loved by the guys, Daisy's popularity at school stemmed more from fear than liking, for she was reknowned for being hellishly bitchy and spiteful. A spoiled only child of divorced parents, who have fought for her affections by lavishing her with gifts, Daisy learnt to play them off against each other to get what ever she wanted. Despite this, she does have a rare and real singing talent, which is what attracted Jerrica to her in the first place. Daisy has dreams of being a superstar, and, if truthful, is angry that a "freak" like Nancy has made it to such superstardom. She is determined that she has far more talent. As a cheerleader, Daisy has always been somewhat interested in dance and exercise and is very conscious of the latest health plans or dietary guides. She is a natural blonde, and fusses over her hair - she will never dye it and spends hours playing with it in the mirror, to get the right effect. Considering herself a heart throb, she has often several admirers at one shot, though for the most part she leads them on then pushes them away for the next one. Daisy is not stupid, but nor is she particularly smart, and relies on her cousin Margot to come up with the more elaborate scheming.
Daisy was the instigator of the "steal Nancy's diary" plot, which - though neither nancy or aaron knew it at the time. This particular spite came into being because Aaron turned her down once when she asked him on a date. Too much of a coward to tackle Aaron, who was popular, settled and surrounded by a good friend base, she stored up her hate and took it out on Nancy, humiliating her to balance it out in her mind. Nancy has never forgiven her for this and a major rivalry is born. 


Margot is Daisy's cousin, though she has kept this fact a secret from Jerrica during her employment in order to try and promote Daisy's cause without being accused of nepotism. Extremely clever and very cunning, Margot has always put her intelligence to good use, graduating college and setting her sights high in the Starlight Music administration. Margot is married straight out of college, and is very proud of this fact, considering her husband a major catch. Margot has no specific hatred for Nancy, but she was part of the same grade and one of Daisy's crowd at high school. Though it might appear that Margot is being used by Daisy to promote her career, Margot takes particular pleasure in plotting behind the scenes and enjoys the game as much as Daisy enjoys the spotlight.

Farah Young
Farah is Marissa's twin sister - the older of the pair - and a skilled video artist. Having gone to Japan at the age of eighteen with her mother's close friend Kaori Ito, Farah has spent five years working with CGI on various computer games and film projects over there. She is fluent in the language and loves the Japanese culture, but after an unpleasant experience with one of her colleagues, she made the decision to return home to America, much to Marissa's delight. Farah went to art school as a kid, but despite the fact they never took classes together, Farah is close to Stefana and fond of her - more amused by her naughtiness than horrified by it. Since returning to the US, it's Stefana's influence that helped her get together with Rory Llewelyn over Diablo's music videos, and consequently she is now settled in Los Angeles, putting her artistic skill to a new end by following in her mother's footsteps.