
(Mail Order Edition)

The Sparkle Ponies saw two seperate releases - a Mail Order and a basic store release. Although the mail order issue never came out in the United Kingdom, there have been reports of Mail Order ones sealed on card so a few did make their way over here in random amounts.

Each of the Mail Order Sparkle Ponies was sold with a miniature symbol printed on her cheek as well as her proper symbol and this is the main way of telling a mail order from a store sold Sparkle Pony. It's worth noting that Star Hopper and Napper had bigger variations in that they had different hair colours - making them the easiest Mail Orders to pick out at a distance!

Some of the others also had different body tones due to different batch production. Ironically, the North American television commercial for the store-sold Sparkle Ponies featured the mail order ponies - minus the two characters who were obviously different.

To find out about the store sold Sparkle Ponies, visit this page.

Store sold Sparkle Ponies did NOT have symbols on their cheeks.