

I have no idea what Hasbro were thinking when they created this set. It's almost as though someone in an office somewhere said, "no, we need one more set for this line!" and so off the cuff someone threw together a bunch of colours, poses and random names and voila, the Pretty Ponies were born. Even the set name lacks inspiration, and all four of the ponies were mono-coloured, with strange, fancy but not particularly meaningful symbols.

According to their cards, which held the message, "a first friend to love", they seem to have been intended as a new kind of "collector" pony - a beginner pony for those just starting off with My Little Pony. This is also echoed by the fact they were sold with basic ordinary combs (and no ribbons).

The Pretty Ponies were Sweetheart Sister ponies in style and pose, but they were the first not to have their ears pierced.

They were not sold in the UK.