1992: Sweet Kisses Ponies


Pink earth pony with blue mane and tail (tinsel in mane), red hearts, purple envelope with lipstick mark, heat sensitive red lips.

I have written her name at the top of the page, according to how it was written in the backcard story, but my grammar twitch thinks it should be Kiss 'n' Tell. It doesn't really seem to be an appropriate name for a pony, but I guess with her letter symbol, it's meant to be more in the vein that she's writing to tell someone about her great date...maybe? Or maybe she's just writing to "Bobby" (whoever Bobby might have been O.o. Answers on a postcard...)

Kiss 'n Tell more or less shared her colour scheme with the American Sweet Kisses Pony, Happy Hugs. Their symbols, however, are completely different. The symbol was later re-used for one of the Dutch release ponies from 1995, Love-Pony.

She did not appear in the UK comics.