1991: Pocket Friends Ponies


White earth pony with purple and pink mane, pink tail, purple top hat with rabbit on silver cord symbol.

Hopping Pocket was a magician, which is kinda a for sure given her symbol! She took over the mantle from Magic Hat, and her rabbit had a personality, although I don't remember if it had a name.

The hat and rabbit can easily go missing from this pony, and sometimes the hair can fade, although the pink shades of this generation of ponies is generally more robust than in earlier years.

In North America she was known as Bunny Hop. Pretty logical, really!

The pony pictured at the top of this page was originally bought from Germany. I know there are two versions of this pony in existence, but I do not want to give the impression that they were only sold in particular areas, because I don't think this is the truth.

The Hopping Pocket above has darker, non-fading pink in her hair. Other versions of her have the lighter, fading pink instead. I have seen UK packaged ones mint on card with this fading colour rather than the one shown above; I have also seen ones like my pony with the darker shade. This means both versions were available in the UK. The version with fading pink hair seems more common in North America than the version without. I am unsure whether there exists a variation of this pony (like with Singing Pocket) where the purple streak is actually blue - I have not yet seen evidence that this is the case.