1989: Candy Cane Ponies


Dark salmon pink earth pony with aqua and cream ringlets, white and aqua gingerbread man symbol. Scented

Now see, here's the mystery.

Gingerbread was definitely called Gingerbread inthe UK. In the comics and on the packaging, there's no mistake to be made about it:

Gingerbread: Name from UK release box

However, I recently found a bunch of papers from my childhood, including a Christmas list that I wrote in about 1990. On it I listed various ponies, including a Candy Cane Pony called "Molasses". Molasses was the name used by Gingerbread in the North American release. Further investigation has proven that Woolworths imported Candy Cane Ponies from America, offering them as an 'exclusive'', and so US boxes (and ponies!) did appear on our shelves too. I guess that means that Molasses is just as much a UK name for the pony as Gingerbread ;) at least according to Woolworths!