1989: Windy Wing Ponies


Lavender 'winger' with pale pink mane and tail, white snowflake symbol, pink, blue and yellow butterfly wings.

Flurry is most commonly found on the second hand market with faded out hair, but her true colour is that pretty pale pink that is so susceptible to sunlight. Therefore any white haired Flurrys found on the second hand market are not variations but sundamaged ponies (poor mites!)

Flurry suffered from something of an identity crisis when this set were featured in the 1990 My Little Pony Annual. Her section became confused with Sun Glider's - though it doesn't take much to realise that these have been mixed about!

Her persona, as can be deduced from her snowy symbol, was to do with snow and winter and in one comic story she even played the coveted role of 'Pony Christmas', delivering presents to all of ponyland while they slept. Her profile also describes her as a dancer, and states that one of her favourite pastimes is to dance among the whirling snowflakes.