1989: Dance 'n' Prance Ponies


Green earth pony with pale pink mane and tail, pink floral brooch. Pink guitar symbol.

Player was the Bob Dylan of Ponyland, taking her guitar everywhere she went and quite happy to improvise an accompaniment whenever music was needed. Her bent was more to play rather than to dance, but she was popular among her friends for this very reason.

Player was always illustrated in the comics with wings, as the initial prototype images did indicate that she would have wings. Unfortunately, however, the pony herself was an earth pony and the error was never corrected throughout her comic appearances.

Player's hair is that shade of pale pink that often fades with sunlight - in fact, you can even see such fading on my Mint in Box pony, to the top right of the page. Any white-haired Players are not variations - they are just very faded. Her brooch can also discolour to orange but again, this is not a variation.