1989: Dance 'n' Prance Ponies


Salmon earth pony with aqua mane and tail, aqua floral brooch. Aqua microphone and hearts symbol.

As you can probably guess by her name and her symbol, Songster was the singer of the Dance and Prance Ponies. Possessed of a beautiful voice, she liked nothing better than to get up on stage and perform. I have a feeling her music had some magical quality as well - but unfortunately I can't remember exactly what!

Songster was always illustrated in the comics with wings, as the initial prototype images did indicate that she would have wings. Unfortunately, however, the pony herself was an earth pony and the error was never corrected throughout her comic appearances. As a child I was gutted by this - Songster was my favourite Dance and Prance and I really wanted a pegasus one!

PROTOTYPE SONGSTER: As seen in the TV commercial