1989: Newborn Ponies


Lavender newborn pegasus with pale pink curly mane and tail, pink and yellow yo-yo symbol.

Yo-Yo was the newborn set's pegasus pony, and, as her name suggests, she was very keen on yoyos and playing with them :)

She was also one of the first of the set to be introduced in the Pony Comic, prophesied by the Wise White Bird and announced by the bellringing Town Crier type Rob the Rabbit in a story called 'Yo-Yo Makes A Friend" (#123). In this story, she and Dangles made the acquaintance of another pony comic favourite, "String Along", after Yo-Yo damages her favourite toy on a thorn bush!

Please note that Yo-Yo has the shade of pink hair that fades easily in sunlight. Therefore any Yo-Yos found with white hair are not variations but faded out :)